Agro Klaster Srbije    Pon - Pet 8:00 - 16:00

The project, which aimed to prepare documentation and preparatory works for the construction of a plant for biomass cogeneration, for the needs of the Secondary Agricultural School in Sombor, participated Agrocluster of Serbia, Secondary Agricultural School Sombor, NS Seme Institute Novi Sad, Faculty of Agriculture in Osijek (CRO) and the Agricultural High School in Dalj (CRO).

Relevance of the proposed Grant Activity to the Objectives of the

Agro cluster Serbia’s activities are in line with the APS and fall into:

I. F&V processing industry consolidation
• Development of strategic plans for expanding export performance of the business support organizations (BSO) for key Serbian export products/crops;

• Professional staff development for managing BSOs; The current situation is such that the business activity of cooperatives and other business associations in the agricultural sector is insufficient in relation to the real needs; therefore, the establishment of a representative and efficient association oriented towards achieving the concrete business goals of its members and improving practical knowledge in the F&V sector is of great importance.

Grant Activity Description and Problem Statement

One of the main reasons for the slow development of competitiveness in the Fruit and Vegetables sector is the lack in organizational structure, including the lack of knowledge and adequate skills of world market trends of micro, small and medium enterprises as well as producers.

In other words, there are no functional business organizations that provide management/operational services within agriculture associations that would ensure continued competitiveness of Serbian agriculture. Through specified programs and custom-made transfer of knowledge, there is a possibility to improve knowledge and skills necessary for innovation of products or modification the existing ones. Furthermore, this will lead to improvement in areas of branding, marketing (including labeling and packaging), market analysis, or generating higher product value, risk management etc.

In order to improve general performance of F& Vsector, together with other sectors in agriculture, it is very important to create a systemic solution through organization that is capable of mobilizing and attracting relevant, important and prominent partners and stakeholders whose inputs will contribute in designing business services that are really needed in the market.

By joint organization and operation within the ACS, a permanent system solution for market participants will be created with the aim to constantly improve competitiveness. ACS intention is to eliminate obstacles hampered by companies in the food processing sector trying to achieve greater competitiveness in export markets through the application of new knowledge, techniques in sales, packaging and processing. ACS will cooperate with local communities as well as with regional development agencies (RDAs).

Grant Activity Goal and Objectives

The objective of the Agro Cluster Serbia is to create a market-oriented organization aimed at establishment of permanent business services for domestic producers, processors and traders in the agricultural production and processing sector, in order to improve competitiveness through improving the production system, market strategies and placement of goods on the domestic and world market.

Within the Project ACS would accomplish the following goals:

NETWORKING AND CAPACITY BUILDING (of the ACS and agriculture sector)
  1. Strengthening the cooperation among ACS members and relevant stakeholders (such as government institutions and agencies, RDA, academia, specialized and national associations, foreign representative bodies including regional and bilateral trade chamber of commerce’s, companies, etc.)                                                                     
  2. Creating new cluster members and connecting them with scientific and research institutions (two groups of tasks: 1. based on a public hearing within the cluster – engagement of F&V advisers, 2. monitoring of scientific research in the field of F&V and information)
  1. Established system of providing relevant world market information (The system would include worldwide reference prices, data on factors that affect the price (i.e. transitional stocks, expected yields, expected demands etc.). Reports would at first be for raspberry and gradually spread to other F&V)                                                                             
  2. In cooperation with the CSS project and the designated software company, establishment of a Web based platform designed to inform Serbian food exporters about a variety of international markets and export opportunities and acting as a matchmaking mechanism between Serbian food processing companies and foreign buyers.                               
  3. Establish the basis/infrastructure/capacity to run MIS – trade portal, enabling reliable F&V supply and demand system, lobbying for guarantees for trade, support in trading standard implementation, market information etc.

Proposed Tasks and Activities

In order to achieve the goals, ACS will carry out the following steps:

NETWORKING AND CAPACITY BUILDING (of the ACS and agriculture sector)
  • Create departments within the ACS that would support all activities:
    – R&D Department,
    – Market Information System and Promotion and Trading Department
    – Regional and Local Cooperation and Investment Department
  • Mapping of the stakeholders in all relevant associations from agriculture sectors, as well
    as companies and educational institutions and linking to ACS (ACS will cover the
    following sectors: Fruit and Vegetable Sector, Meat and Milk Sector, Cereals and
    Oilseeds Sector and Renewable Energy Sectors);
  • Conjoining cluster members with scientific and research institutions (two groups of tasks:
    1. based on a public hearing within the cluster – engagement of F & V advisers, 2.monitoring of scientific research in the field of F & V and information);
  • Organizing meetings or establishing working groups, or any form of continuous
    information exchange bodies on local levels for dissemination of information – from
    producers/SME to governmental institutions/donors, embassies, chamber of commerce,
  • Creation of investment maps in F/V sector for domestic and international investors;
  • Creating team that would support and promote MIS – trade portal;
  • Collaborate with CSS project and the designated software company on the design and
    development of MIS
  • Manage and contribute to the delivery and launch of MIS including facilitation in MIS
    workshops and training sessions, MIS administration and provision of help desk services
    after the go live of the MIS portal.
  • Provide inputs and assistance to contribute to the delivery of MIS during the scoping,
    design, development, implementation and technical support of MIS.
  • Establishment and administration of Market information system with reference to the
    worldwide prices and other important worldwide market information, for cluster
    members and the Ministry of Agriculture;
  • Development of Commodity exchange trading in frozen raspberries;
  • Assessment of the potential for Commodity-exchange trading with frozen raspberries;
  • Defining permanent mechanisms for promotion of trading with frozen raspberries.

Expected Results

  • Creation of relevant, highly recognized and visible organization where businessmen in
    the field of agro business and food production will be able to exchange knowledge and
  • Created database of greenfield and brownfield investment and those who search for joint
    venture partners
  • Increased relevance of market information used by members of the ACS
  • Sustainable and reliable MIS with the emphasis on long term support and maintenance of
    the portal after the close out of CSS portal.
  • Establishment of commodity-exchange trading with frozen raspberries.