Agro Klaster Srbije    Pon - Pet 8:00 - 16:00

Public-private dialogue for growth project

Within the project "Public-Private Dialogue for Development", NALED, in cooperation with the Agro Cluster and the Republic Secretariat for Public Policies and with the support of USAID, initiated a dialogue between the public and private sector, with the aim of making and implementing recommendations for improving the current conditions, in…

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Cross-border cooperation project with Croatia IPA CBC CRO-SRB

The project, which aimed to prepare documentation and preparatory works for the construction of a plant for biomass cogeneration, for the needs of the Secondary Agricultural School in Sombor, participated Agrocluster of Serbia, Secondary Agricultural School Sombor, NS Seme Institute Novi Sad, Faculty of Agriculture in Osijek (CRO) and the…

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